In ancient times, we knew the stone of pink quartz under different names such as Bohemian Ruby or Ancona Ruby. Because of its color and composition, pink quartz is recognizable and appreciated by everyone. Known to be a stone providing serenity and tranquility of mind, we associated it with a silvered ball, soft and delicate.
Play delicately with the ball during your pregnancy, it will allow you to create a strong bond with your baby but also to calm you inwardly. Its soft melody will guide you during these 9 months and even after the birth. Hang the necklace at the crib or the bassinet for the baby to hear it properly.
The benefits of pink quartz:
This pink stone will bring harmony and balance to the person who is wearing it. It is known to represent love, peace and tenderness. Moreover, it would help chase the negative emotions and thereby, find inner peace.
With time, pink quartz can have its colour fade away without, for all that, lose its virtues. It is totally natural.
Imagined and prepared with passion.