The Pia gold tiger eye bola will touch your heart with its delicacy, finesse and elegance, transporting you and your baby into a world of tenderness and poetry with its melodious sound. It will make you forget the little inconveniences of your pregnancy and bring out only the positive. Accompanied by a tiger's eye stone and a fine stem, your fine gold bola will enhance your silhouette as a mother.
Created and assembled by our jewellers, this unique pregnancy bola will fit in perfectly with your new everyday life as a pregnant woman. It will bring you comfort, happiness and love throughout the rounding of your belly.
* Tiger's eye is a stone with many virtues and bewitching colours. The virtues of the eye of tiger are numerous and varied, most importantly it will help you during your pregnancy as the stone protects from the bad energies. It also helps to reduce the stress and it contributes to the relaxation of the spirit and the body.
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